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Auto insurance Download the explanatory brochure
Protect them! Now you can offer your clients comprehensive insurance that adapts to the needs of the market. We stand behind them!
What is it?
Individual Auto Insurance is the protection for any type of vehicle, since we recognize its characteristics and those of the usual driver. Now you can offer your clients comprehensive insurance that adapts to the needs of the market.
What advantages does it offer me?
We insure all types of vehicles.
We have different types of compensation.
We complement your protection with a wide variety of optional coverages.
Pay your insurance in months without interest.
When hiring your GNP Auto Insurance, get your Mandatory Third Party Liability Insurance at no additional cost.
Accounts with CLUB GNP ... Our Assistance service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Client's profile
Physical and moral person.
Socioeconomic Level C- onwards.
Vehicle profile
Cars and Pick Ups up to 3.5 tons for private use.
With a value greater than 2.5 million pesos.
What does it cover?
Depending on the package you hire, you have the following coverages:
Material damage suffered by your car, either partial or total.
In case of theft, we indemnify the Commercial Value, Agreed Value or Invoice Value.
We cover damages caused to third parties.
Ambulance, hospitalization and more, with the coverage of Medical Expenses.
It covers the damages that your person suffers after an accident.
We provide a lawyer in case of need for a claim with legal protection.
Increase protection with optional covers:
Partial Theft covers the replacement of factory installed auto parts as a result of robbery and / or assault with violence or without violence. With Partial Theft Plus we replace the tires and wheels of your vehicle.
With Zero Deductible in Total Loss in the claim, it is possible that the deductible is 0 and you receive full compensation.
Material Damage to Tires and / or Wheels Helps you pay for the replacement of tires and / or wheels, in the event of an accident or fall into a pothole.
Key Replacement financially supports our policyholders in the event of loss or damage to keys.
Financed Car Guarantee we cover the debt pending payment with the finance company in case of having a current credit or lease in case of loss due to Material Damage, Total Loss or Total Theft.
With Total Loss Help you are compensated with your insured sum in case of total loss.
RC Occupants protects the damage or death caused to other people who travel inside the vehicle.
With Auto Substitute a vehicle is provided in case the insured has suffered a claim.
Car Accidents to the Driver covers the death or some organic loss of the driver in case of accidents and as long as he is driving.
Protected Driver covers Medical Expenses and road assistance to the driver when driving a vehicle other than the insured one.
We Cover Adaptations, Conversions or Special Equipment that your Car includes.
Civil Liability Death protects you in the event that you are responsible for a loss due to an accident.
Hiring Requirements:
Valid driver's license.
Have a national or imported Car or Pick Up by the assembly company.
The contractor must be a natural person.
Name of the contractor, Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC), date of birth, age and gender of the main driver.
Year, model, make, version and serial number or engine.
Hiring Restrictions:
Does not apply to:
Moral person.
Commercial use of the Car or Pick Up.
State RC
Insurance that provides protection for Cars and Pick ups, complying with the guidelines of each state.